Project Overview
A programme was set up to deliver a new Inventory platform for managing customer´s fixed line assets. Over time, due to acquisition of other companies, customer asset data was dispersed across various platforms with different data models leading to there being no single source of the truth. As a result, key staff managing relationships with partners or with customers had resorted to creating their own offline versions of asset data to support their commercial relationships.
Adoption of the new platform was critical to ensure that the data integrity could be sustained over time. If the users continued to trust their own offline sources of data, not only would the benefits not be realised, but the data quality would degrade over time.
The Solution
A Business Change workstream focused on driving user adoption.
We Delivered
- A user pain point analysis to understand the issues being faced day to day by the users and how these could be addressed.
- Change champion network across the impacted teams.
- Business subject matter experts involvement in solution design and acceptance testing.
- A communications plan, key message framework and core collateral (e.g. internal user guides, training videos) tailored for different user groups.
- Using ADKAR, a series of engagement activities, delivered in conjunction with our change champions, to address individual teams’ specific concerns and questions.
- Adoption metrics and analysis to understand our trajectory against our target adoption and the impact of specific interventions.
The Difference We Made
- Adoption became the key criteria reviewed by the steering committee, lending their support to any action needed.
- Engaged a resistant group of stakeholders by focusing on addressing their specific pain points and needs.
- Our Change Champions became the advocates for change within their own teams.
- Acted on user feedback to continually assess and improve our communications and engagement activities.
- Demonstrated that user feedback was not only listened to but acted upon by initiating a focused workstream looking at the User Interface (UI) and user experience.
- Over €20 million saved on payments to suppliers for unused assets.
- Solution adopted as the single trusted source of customer fixed line asset data enabling additional benefits through development of commercial reporting on profitability and revenue leakage.